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Leading with purposeful empathy
  • Guest Speakers

S.C. Says is an award-winning slam poet and author who travels across the country to share how living a life with purposeful empathy can improve relationships, communities, and the world. His visit to Harpeth Hall’s campus was a well-crafted mix of poetry, humor, and reflection meant to inspire students to build connections with the community members all around them.

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Bears Repeating from Jess Hill: Resolving to have less 'me time' in 2025
  • Blog

Chosen solitude and social isolation are something different. People now prefer alone time and “me time” over time with friends and family. Eating out, a once social activity, has become a “carry out” or dining alone experience. The neighborhood movie theatre where teens and adults enjoyed movies with friends has morphed into binging and streaming on the couch at home. Add an electronic device in our hands, which gives us the illusion of connection but, in fact, is something we often stare at alone, and we have a huge swing to the privatization of our leisure time. 

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Passing resolutions in middle school Model UN to make the world a better place
  • Academics

In a conference room filled with middle school students from across Middle Tennessee, Harpeth Hall students confidently present the results of weeks of research, teamwork, and diplomacy. Through resolutions modeled after those in actual global diplomacy initiatives, the girls offer solutions to address issues from healthcare to environmental challenges at the 2024 student Model United Nations (Model UN) conference.

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Chosen solitude and social isolation are something different. People now prefer alone time and “me time” over time with friends and family. Eating out, a once social activity, has become a “carry out” or dining alone experience. The neighborhood movie theatre where teens and adults enjoyed movies with friends has morphed into binging and streaming on the couch at home. Add an electronic device in our hands, which gives us the illusion of connection but, in fact, is something we often stare at alone, and we have a huge swing to the privatization of our leisure time. 

Read More about Bears Repeating from Jess Hill: Resolving to have less 'me time' in 2025

Honeybears in the National Press

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