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Human Trafficking in India

by Sabrina C. Class of 2021

by Sabrina C. Class of 2021

For my capstone project I looked into human trafficking in India, the country being known for high trafficking rates.Throughout my project, I researched the 3 most prevalent types of trafficking in India: forced labor, sexual exploitation, and forced marriage. Similarly, I examined which groups of people are most vulnerable to trafficking and why that is. I found that poorer groups of women, children, and migrants and most susceptible to being exploited. I was also shocked to discover that trafficking is prevalent within families. For example, throughout my research I read many stories of young females who left their hometown to stay with an Aunt or Uncle and were either sold into one of the 3 main types of trafficking, or became a slave to that family member themself. Although this issue seems thousands of miles away, I included touching personal stories from trafficking victims in my final product, with the hopes of inspiring activism. With this, I researched and shared different ways we can support an end to trafficking in India from our home of America. This capstone project has opened my eyes to the reality of many less fortunate girls my age, and inspired me to to share my knowledge to promote change.

  • Global Scholars
  • Student Capstone 2021