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Stories Are Us: Documenting Michelle Obama’s Influence Beyond the White House
Elizabeth Read

Lillian Floyd-Thomas '27

I focused on learning about Michelle Obama, the experiences that shaped her, and her influence on others. My goal was to create an inspirational documentary that highlights her life’s work and impact, especially on young people. I was inspired to take on this project after I read Obama’s autobiography, Becoming. After learning about her childhood and early transformative experiences, I researched programs and initiatives she created and learned about her adult life as a lawyer, mother, and first lady. Next I conducted interviews and asked two of my friends to write letters to Michelle Obama explaining what they admire about her. I used their letters as the basis of a documentary that I planned, filmed, and edited. Through my time working on my seek project, my respect for Michelle Obama deepened as I learned just how many people's lives she has touched.

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